Bowls is a game for all ages and abilities. Whether you are nine or ninety, able bodied or disabled we will be pleased to welcome you with the opportunity to play. We hold regular Open Days when to all are invited to have a look at what our club and the game can offer.
Our next Open Days are on Sundays April 30th and May 28th from 2:00pm. Our 28th May event, in common with most other Clubs, will form part of the Bowls England “Big Bowls Weekend”. Please take a little of your time to see us at either of the Open Days. No formalities. You will be warmly welcomed. We simply ask that, if you want to try your hand at bowling on our green, you wear flat soled shoes.
Our outdoor bowling season runs from April through to September. Whether or not you can visit one of our Open Days, we will show you our club and the game itself on any Tuesday afternoon between 2-4pm and on Thursday evenings from 6pm. We have a well-stocked bar in the clubhouse where you’ll find that we’re a friendly crew.
If after a taster session, you did feel you would like to learn more about the game, we can offer basic coaching free of charge and with no obligation to join the Club. We would even provide you with the equipment whilst you are learning. All we ask is that you wear flat soled shoes on the green.
Bowls is less costly than most sports. The Annual Subscription for Full Members is £90 per year. The Annual subscription for Junior members aged 14 to 18 is just £5 and membership is free for those 13 and under.
Come on down, try us out, we’re a friendly bunch. The all-age game will suit all of you.
Although some of our players have achieved playing competitively at Club, County, National and even International level, you could be content simply playing between friends on a sunny summer evening.